
What is a Woman Maternally (Part 5)

One of the subtle assaults on womanhood is the attempt to separate motherhood from womanhood. With the progression of the sexual revolution to the homosexual revolution, which has now become the transsexual revolution, there is an attack on what they call the traditional role of a woman.

The current debate on abortion is also part of this attack. This debate states it should be a woman’s right not to be saddled by a pregnancy, meaning she must be allowed to be “unpregnant” the moment she decides she does not want to be pregnant. Not only is this an assault on the life of God within her, but it is also communicating to a generation of women that, regardless of the circumstances of the conception, being a mother is not one of God’s highest and greatest honors.

Of course, as followers of Christ, we know we must live by God’s Word in every area of our lives. This is why we are examining what a woman is maternally according to Scripture.

A woman MATERNALLY is wonderfully designed to nurture as a mother.

We discover this truth in Genesis 3:20, where we meet the first mother, “The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” That means every person reading this is a descendant of the first woman. We all originated from one precious womb God uniquely designed in the garden.

For those who have never had children or may not be able to have a child, I do not want you to count yourself out. Giving birth is not the prerequisite for nurturing as a mother. I love this powerful quote from a book called True Woman 101: “Every normal woman is equipped to be a mother. Certainly, not every woman in the world is destined to give birth. But motherhood, in a much deeper sense, is the essence of womanhood. The first woman’s name affirms and celebrates this truth: Eve means ‘life-giver.’ God’s purpose is that every woman—married or single, fertile or infertile—will bring forth life. Regardless of her marital status, occupation, or age, a woman’s greatest aim ought to be to glorify God and further His kingdom by reproducing—bearing spiritual fruit.” So God has built all women to nurture and mother those around them.

Women are to embrace and celebrate the call of motherhood. As we read earlier in this series, Isaiah 66:13 tells us: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.” God designed women to nurture, shape, and craft the hearts of their children – be those children by birth, fostering, adoption, or even familial need. While the call of motherhood does not forbid a woman to work outside the home or contribute to the family’s income, it does mean she must take nurturing the hearts of her children seriously. It also means she must refuse the constant pressure and distracting lies of our culture and social media that tell her the most crucial things are having organized pantries and ever-decreasing body fat.

For those women in a season of parenting, I want to remind you that the greatest role of motherhood is nurturing your children’s faith. There is no person better equipped to craft a child’s understanding of who God is, what He desires, and how much He loves him or her than a mother who loves and fears the Lord. I encourage you to pray with your children. Tell them about Jesus. Live for Him in front of them. Love them. Be patient with them and kind to them. Be firm with them when you need to be firm. Teach them what is right instead of trying to be their friend. There is no pulpit – even pulpits that speak to hundreds of thousands of people – more influential in your child’s heart than your faith.

I also want to encourage those who are not raising children. Remember that you, as a woman, are now and always a bringer of life. Just as the quote I shared from True Woman 101 states, make it your aim, regardless of what your life looks like in this season, to glorify God and further His kingdom by reproducing and bearing spiritual fruit.

Never let the world convince you otherwise, ladies – womanhood and motherhood are worth embracing and celebrating.