Monthly Prayer Guide

Prayer is one of those topics that tends to stir up feelings of either conviction or confusion in people. Some might feel guilty for not praying more but unsure if they are even doing it correctly. Others may wrestle with feeling inadequate, ineloquent, or ill-prepared. There are even those who deep down wonder if prayer really matters.

Thankfully, prayer has nothing to do with our eloquence or our performance. Prayer is the place we come to bring our burdens to the Lord through worshipful communion with the Lord. We do not need to overcomplicate it. But, we do need to do it. That is why we created these helpful prayer guides.

A prayer guide should not take the place of Spirit-led prayer. Just as we do not often map out our conversations with close friends, we should not attempt to put our conversations with God in a box. This guide is simply to help our minds pray consistently about the things that are most important in our lives.

Below are the links you will need to create your prayer list. First, print and fill out the “How to Pray Consistently” list. Next, you will print and use the monthly Prayer Guide. Plug in each “M” response under the Monday box on the chart, plug in each “T” under the Tuesday box, and continue until you have filled in Wednesday through Friday. Once your chart is completed you will have a Monday through Friday prayer guide that you can use on a daily basis. Truly make it your own, updating it monthly and adding categories as you feel led.

STEP ONE: Fill out How to Pray Consistently

STEP TWO: Fill out the Monthly Prayer Guide