What is a man physically, spiritually, sexually, paternally, missionally, and relationally?
1. A man Physically is an adult male made in the image of God.
2. A man Spiritually is a sinner in need of salvation which is fully available to him through faith in Christ.
3. A man Sexually is uniquely made to either live a life of singleness and celibacy or commit his life to one woman in covenant marriage.
4. A man Paternally is uniquely designed to lead, provide, and protect as a father.
5. A man Missionally in Christ is expected and equipped to strengthen the church and make the gospel known.
6. A man Relationally is to encourage and hold accountable other men and protect the vulnerable.
So where do you start?
1. Be with your Savior
2. Be with one or a few brothers
3. Zero secrets (no porn, no filthy language, no shady relationships, no dishonesty)
4. Chase your wife and children
5. Think, pray, and speak of the gospel