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Leadership Culture Matters Episode 9: Ideas Are Welcome

As leaders, we can fall into the trap of thinking we have to be the ones with all the ideas, but that is simply not true. Our teams need to know that not only is bringing fresh, innovative ideas welcomed, but it is also needed. 

That is why I invited Jason Williamson, the mission pastor at the church where I lead and founder of the Through Our Eyes Project, for a podcast conversation on why we need the ideas of others and how we can create atmospheres where people feel encouraged to think creatively. Jason, who is a creative asset to our team and a self-proclaimed dot connector, felt like the perfect fit for leadership culture attribute number nine: Ideas are welcome


It’s important to note from the start that there is a distinct difference between a culture where ideas are accepted and one where they are welcome. Jason noted that the level of buy-in for contributing ideas is found in how you empower people to make a difference. If you tell everyone just to drop their ideas in an idea box and you take a look every Thursday, people won’t thrive in that environment. Instead, you need to create space and time for people to share their ideas in person. There needs to be the freedom to spitball things together. Providing time to share ideas like this is doing more than saying you can bring ideas. You are actually soliciting their ideas. You are saying, “The things that God is doing in your life, the thoughts He has given you, your heart, and your passion - we want you to bring those to us.”


Jason also reminded us that saying ideas are welcome means we can’t be leaders who try to dictate everything that goes on, which only serves to shut ideas off. The “you have a task to do, now go do that task” mentality puts a blanket over people’s fire. If they can’t use the things they are gifted in, they will struggle to thrive on your team.

Will all of the ideas that come your way be great? Of course not. But instead of automatically giving people a no, see if you can work those things out together. Look for ways to redirect their energy into something more positive. Or help them realize that it may not be the best idea, but then workshop the idea with them into something truly productive, allowing them to be a part of the journey. Ultimately, you are looking for ways to be empowering instead of micromanaging everything. 


When it comes to being an actual idea person, Jason shared two extremes we must safeguard against. 

The first extreme is pride. We cannot grab ideas and try to own them as our own. Every good idea we have is from the Lord. He uses us as the vessels and communicators of His ideas. So, we need to stay humble and simply enjoy being part of His work. 

The other extreme is feeling like we can't possibly be creative enough to be beneficial to our churches, ministries, or workplaces. We must remind ourselves and the people we shepherd that we were designed to be innovative. Our God is creative, and because we were made in our Creator's image, we also are creative. This is something we need to remember ourselves and that we need to encourage in the people we lead. We all have the capacity for Kingdom-impacting creativity. 


It’s easy to get stuck in old-school mentalities, whether that’s in your business, church, or ministry. Jason pointed out that we need to continually be asking, “What is the way that we're not looking at this situation?” When it comes to ministry and reaching people for Christ in particular, we can ask, “What are the ways that we're not reaching people? How could we be reaching people better in a way that's more relevant to them?"

We tend to compartmentalize our lives. We go on a mission trip to share our faith. We go to work to pay our bills. We go to the Little League field to support our families. But we can leverage our lives for the Kingdom no matter where we are. 

I love what Jason had to share about expanding our view of how to live out the Great Commission. He reminded us all that the Lord can use our interests and our hobbies for things that are far greater than ourselves. Maybe you're just a weekend golfer. Is the guy in your cart with you part of your foursome because he's a scratch golfer and can help you win? Or is he a lost guy you need to invest in? 

God gives us interests and ideas, and it's just a matter of whether or not we sit on those things or use them for Him. Our churches and ministries have a wide variety of people with different backgrounds, skills, abilities, and connections. We need to be asking how we can make them feel more fulfilled by allowing them to use their gifts and abilities in a special way to reach people for Christ.

Hear how Jason started his photography ministry with the homeless and learn more about fostering Kingdom-focused creativity when you listen to all of Episode 9: Ideas Are Welcome with guest Pastor Jason Williamson here.